Buying and selling
Interested in operating your own small business? Ready to take the leap into entrepreneurship? The experts at Clearwater Professional Corporation can help you do just that! We have assisted numerous small business owners in acquiring their businesses via our due diligence services, so as to confirm positive cash flow and a solid asset base for their business operation of choice. Clearwater can also help you obtain and structure financing for your small business acquisitions. Contact Clearwater today to help guide you through the daunting task of purchasing and starting-up your small business!
Time for retirement? Need a change of career and looking to unload your small business? You might be interested in selling your small business, and what better way to do that than with the help of the pros at Clearwater? We will assess and valuate your small business assets, and search for potential buyers who are interested in your line of business. Take the hassle and worry out of selling your small business in a manner that is most beneficial to you, and turn to Clearwater Professional Corporations expertise!